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NSW leads the way in accessible voting. The recent elections in Queensland and Victoria provided voters with limited locations and options to cast an independent vote. However, in NSW, iVote, first introduced for the 2011 NSW state election, offers an expanded choice for the 2015 election on March 28.

This system, developed by the NSW electoral commission, enables NSW residents with disabilities, people with limited mobility and those in regional and remote areas to cast a secret and independent vote in the lead up to, and on Election Day.

The web based platform can be accessed via a registered voters own, familiar technology. And, smartphones and other mobile internet devices mean that it can be accessed from just about anywhere. There is also an automated telephone system and, those less confident with technology can opt for human assistance via the telephone.

As part of Vision Australia’s NSW election priorities, we are calling on all candidates in the NSW election, to commit to promoting the iVote system to the Australian Electoral Commission for use in federal elections. Vision Australia considers iVote as the platinum standard for providing equal access, secret and independent voting options for the blind and low vision community

Similar to postal voting, registration for iVote opens at 10am (EDST) Thursday, 12 February 2015 and closes at 1pm (EDST) on Saturday, 28 March 2015.

Vision Australia has prepared a Frequently Asked Questions document that provides more details about the iVote system and information about how to register.