Caren was born with glaucoma and has always had problems with her vision. However, once she began studying at RMIT she found it increasingly difficult to navigate around the campus.
“My mobility instructor at Vision Australia suggested a Seeing Eye Dog,” Caren explains. Reba, a golden retriever, was matched with Caren and will provide her with a lot more independence.
“She’ll be a companion for me, too,” says Caren. “She’s very friendly and my family and I already adore her. She will allow me to get out from home more and be more social now that I have Reba to assist me.”
Finding the right dog for each person is an important part of the Seeing Eye Dog process.
Some dogs are naturally more energetic, others are quieter. Each partnership is the result of a careful selection process.
“My mobility instructor at Vision Australia suggested a Seeing Eye Dog,” Caren explains. Reba, a golden retriever, was matched with Caren and will provide her with a lot more independence.

Finding the right dog for each person is an important part of the Seeing Eye Dog process.
Some dogs are naturally more energetic, others are quieter. Each partnership is the result of a careful selection process.


Caren was born with glaucoma and has always had problems with her vision. However, once she began studying at RMIT she found it increasingly difficult to navigate around the campus.