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Devices used to access the Internet

A large range of devices was nominated with Windows computers being the most popular used by 58.8% of respondents followed by the iPhone at 44.4% and iPad at 42.4%. Of those using a Windows device to access the internet, 54.6% also used an Apple device.

128 respondents selected “Other” when asked to specify why 63 of the 128 went on to advise they don’t use the internet themselves as they have a family member or support person who helps them.

Device % Count Sample Size
Windows Computer 58.8% 673 1145
iPhone 44.4% 508 1145
iPad 42.4% 486 1145
Mac Computer 13.7% 157 1145
Samsung Galaxy 13.3% 152 1145
Apple Watch 10.7% 123 1145
Samsung Galaxy tablet 9.7% 111 1145
Other Android Device 7.8% 89 1145
Chromebook 1.9% 22 1145
Google Pixel 1.1% 13 1145
Other Device 11.2% 128 1145

Note: the above questions allowed multiple answer selection.

We hypothesised there may be a significant relationship between devices and level of vision loss (blindness or low vision), but there was nothing significant found.

Respondents use a range of devices including phones and computer products from across the Windows, Apple and Android segments, sometimes combinations of these brands.

We found there was a correlation between the age of the respondent and the type of device they use. The older age groups more often used Windows devices or chose the “Other” option as they had a support person assisting them to access the internet. Younger people are more likely to use iOS devices.

Desktop and Mobile Browsers used to access the Internet

39.2% of respondents use Chrome as their primary desktop browser. The second most popular desktop browser was Safari at 19.0% followed by Internet Explorer at 12.2%. Edge and Firefox were the only other browsers of note with just over 8% of respondents using each as their primary browser. Respondents who answered “Other” primarily didn’t know what browser they used or didn’t use a computer as a family member / carer used one on their behalf.



Answer % Count
Chrome 39.21% 449
Safari 19.04% 218
Internet Explorer 12.23% 140
Edge 8.91% 102
Firefox 8.47% 97
Opera 0.61% 7
Brave 0.52% 6
Other 11.00% 126
Total 100% 1145

Desktop browser usage varied by assistive software technology used. For example, 50.7% of JAWS users used Chrome as their primary browser and 19.9% used Edge.

When it came to the primary browser for tablet and mobile, Safari was the most popular (43.8%) reflecting the popularity of Apple for mobile devices. Chrome was the second most popular primary browser for tablet and mobile at 35.4%. Those who selected “Other” commented that they either “didn’t know” or “not applicable”. There was also some mention of Google and Edge as tablet / mobile browsers.



Answer % Count
Safari 43.76 501
Chrome 35.37% 405
Firefox 4.02% 46
Other 16.86% 193
Total 100% 1145


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Hardware assistive technologies used

We asked respondents were asked to select which hardware assistive technologies they use.