Trusted by over 500 companies worldwide

We partner with organisations of all sizes and industries to break down the barriers that prevent people from engaging with their brand. Digital Access is a world leader in inclusive design, delivering accessibility projects and training across sectors including banking, insurance, education, software, mining, government, non-profit and the arts. As a social enterprise, all fee-based services from Digital Access directly support Vision Australia services.

Commonwealth Bank

Helped Commonwealth Bank audit their websites and apps for accessibility.

Commonwealth Bank


Assisted Global resources company, BHP, in accessibility auditing.



Provided TAFE NSW with accessibility training and auditing.



Won an Australian web award for accessibility, after meeting WCAG 2.1.



Assisted software platform, UpGuard, in accessibility auditing.


Government of South Australia

Reviewed and modernised the government's web accessibility policies.

Government of South Australia

“I felt I was an advocate for accessibility but realised I had so much more to know. Thank you for the easy to understand learning on Digital Accessibility.”

— Sharon

Get skilled in less than an hour with on-demand short courses

Learn how to avoid common mistakes and fix accessibility errors that could be preventing people from interacting with your business.

On-demand training

Stay informed

Our highly experienced team share their unique insights with regular articles, webinars, events and video content.

Digital assistive technology and accessibility report

We’re often asked what screen readers, assistive technology and accessibility settings are most commonly used. To find out, we surveyed over 1,000 members of the community who are blind or have low vision. These user experience insights have been made public to create a practical reference for anyone designing and building websites apps.

Read the report

“Some of the findings were quite interesting, for example, many native apps don't support Dark Mode but the survey uncovered it is one of the most popular accessibility settings used by the blind and low vision community.”

— Elana Berton, Accessibility Consultant at Vision Australia

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